Hi! I’m Emily, the human behind Emily Cleveland PNW! My little corner of the internet was started to document my health journey and share my explorations. I’m not an expert; I’ve just discovered that there are far too many of us with gut health issues and I wanted to heal mine in a way that I didn’t starve myself or deprive myself of everything delicious. This is a community where I will share the things I use, the yummy recipes I make, and every other healing method I use to get my body back in check over this year (and beyond!)
I could NOT lose weight. That was my tipping point. I knew my gut was off for years, and I had tried so many things to get it back into check. They would work for a while and then I would gain weight back and feel the constant bloat after eating. I know it gets harder as we age, but this was different. My body had become so inflamed that it was impossible to lose weight even though I ate well and exercised 5-7 days a week. I was tired all the time and felt anxious most days. I’ve had allergies my whole life and they progressively were getting worse every year. Between allergies and gut health, I had chronic inflammation and was miserable most of the time. So, after we moved from Texas to Tacoma, WA in January 2025, I knew it was time to heal.
A bit more about me: I’m a wife, dog mom, full time hair artist, foodie, and explorer of all things interesting!
Come as often as you would like! Stay as long as you would like! I’m thrilled you are here. We are all on our own journeys, and I hope mine helps you.